How Much Lube Around Cylinder Head Airsoft

How Much Lube Around Cylinder Head Airsoft

Airsoft guns are complicated beasts and ensuring that they are operating smoothly and efficiently is admittedly paramount to their connected performance and longevity.

However, lubricants tin exist catchy. At that place are multiple different materials and lubricant types. Not to mention a whole list of when yous should and shouldn't use them. Use this guide equally your complete resource in how to lubricate, with what product, and when to lubricate your airsoft guns.

Use the table of contents below to skip to the department relevant to your airsoft gun.


  • Electrical AIRSOFT GUNS
  • AEG Rifles
  • AEP Pistols
  • Electric Shotguns


  • GBBR (Gas Blow Back Rifles)
  • GBBP (Gas Blog Dorsum Pistols / NBBP (Non-Accident Dorsum Pistols)
  • Gas Sniper Rifles
  • Gas Shotguns


  • Spring Sniper Rifles
  • Spring Pistols
  • Spring Shotguns

The Basics of Airsoft Lubrication

Earlier nosotros get into the nitty gritty of which airsoft guns demand which care etc, nosotros've got to encompass the basics of airsoft gun lubrication.

Practise not lubricate hop-ups or Barrels

Airsoft Hop-Ups and Barrels piece of work on friction. Lubricants were invented to stop friction. If y'all put lubrication in your hop-upward, it will stop working.

A hop-upward needs friction to put dorsum-spin on the BB, this is how it generates lift through the air and gives yous meliorate range using a physics phenomenon known equally the "Magnus Issue".

If lubrication gets on your hop-up, your airsoft gun'southward range will naturally decrease. Avoid this, at all costs.

Avoid petroleum based lubricants

Petroleum based lubricants take a habit of eating into certain materials, especial rubber. Hydrocarbons (like petroleum) love to consume through rubber, then ensure that your airsoft lubricant is a dissimilar kind. Silicone based lubricants are a pop selection amongst airsofters.

Do not over-lubricate

When information technology comes to lubrication, less is always more. There'due south a temptation to lather information technology on squeamish and thick, but information technology's wasteful and really harming the performance of the airsoft gun.

A completely dry out gun has no lubrication and volition struggle to movement without lots of force. A footling bit of lubrication will free up those moving parts and allow it to move. Lots of lubrication actually begins to get in the style of other moving parts, you take to fight confronting it and it becomes a magnet for dirt and debris, creating an abrasive paste which volition quickly wear down the weapon.

Different parts require different lubricants

Information technology'southward a fairly common and easy error to make to assume that a lubricant, is a lubricant, is a lubricant. Nonetheless, unlike lubricants are created for dissimilar purposed and there's no "ane-in-x" lubricant that does everything perfectly.

Metal on Metal contact requires a thick, molybdenum based grease similar our Gun Grease LT2. Information technology'southward designed to reduce metal on metal friction in firearms and is more than heavy duty enough to stand up to the high speed rotations of gears within gearboxes.

Plastic on Metal and Plastic on Plastic requires something much finer and less pasty, like our Silicone Oil 35. Its thin viscosity provides an even film across the friction surface without hindering move. Alternatively, for fast moving plastic parts (such as pistons), y'all may wish to become for a thicker silicon grease, and get longer lasting lubrication.

Lubrication is non always nearly friction

Up until now we've mainly spoken about how using oils and greases can reduce friction, increase efficiency and reduce ware. However, silicone oils and greases are likewise used to refresh and protect o-rings.

An airsoft gearbox is filled with o-rings which aid ensure that the amount of air which propels the BB is consistent. If the o-rings dry out, they become brittle and lose their power to seal against air pressure (or gas force per unit area) causing an inconsistent FPS.

Silicone oil helps to stop o-rings from drying out and keeps them lasting longer.

Electric Airsoft Guns

Electric airsoft guns work on batteries, motors and gears and and then information technology's of import to ensure that the internals are well lubricated. If you don't, parts tin can easily go worn out and break.

AEG Rifles

The most common airsoft gun type on the market (and therefore the first one nosotros'll cover) is the electric burglarize, commonly referred to as an AEG.

Here'southward everything y'all demand to know about lubricating an airsoft electric rifle:

Yous're going to need 2 or 3 different lubricant types. There are a huge range of unlike materials in an airsoft gearbox, you can't tackle them all with one production. We propose Gun Grease LT2 for metal on metal and Silicone Oil 35 for the plastic parts, at a minimum.

Guns are (generally) lubricated poorly from the manufactory. It might not be the start thing yous want to exercise when you get a make new toy to play with, but you will definitely be wanting to ensure that it lasts for equally long as possible. A lot of airsoft guns are sold into the market with sub-par lubrication globbed onto the internals with little consideration for what it'south going to do to the operation. It may sound odd, but even a brand new gearbox can benefit from new grease and oil.

If yous feel comfortable doing then, accept your gearbox apart, utilize a degreasing spray to remove the sometime lubricant and supervene upon with the following lubricants…

Gears are a metallic on metal contact, with high rotational speed. For this application yous should be using a loftier viscosity molybdenum based grease similar our Gun Grease LT2. (Designed for real firearms).

Piston track guide the piston dorsum and along. This tin can be lubricated with either Silicone Oil or Silicone Grease. Nosotros recommend Silicone Grease, due to its viscosity and ability to cling onto the fast moving piston. However, if the piston is metal, us Gun Grease LT2.

Cut Off Lever. Non a mutual one that people think near lubricating, but without lubrication, it might not actuate fast plenty and cause overspin-esque symptoms (where the gun continues to fire briefly later on you stop pulling the trigger). Lubricate this lightly with LT2 grease (if metal) and ensure it moves freely.

Piston Head, Cylinder Head, and Air Nozzle o-rings. These need to be kept fresh to ensure that your FPS remains consistent. A few drops of Silicone Oil 35 on each o-ring volition ensure they stay fresh.

No lubricant is needed in the Hop-upwardly or barrel areas. This will completely ruin range and accurateness and is very difficult to clean out.

If your rifle uses a realistic bolt or any other realistic moving features, you may wish to lubricated these like a existent firearm using gun oil. You may likewise wish to coat the surface in a thin layer of gun oil to ensure that it doesn't brainstorm to corrode.

AEP (Electric Pistols)

Electrical pistols are only tiny versions of AEGs. They apply the aforementioned technology (spinning gears, air compressing pistons, motors and batteries); they but do it in a much smaller package. Due to this, the parts are smaller, nether more stress and require much more care to ensure they last longer.

Hither'south everything you need to know about lubricating your airsoft electrical pistol:

Many AEPs have plastic internal gearboxes. This means that the internals of an AEP can exist relatively fragile and it's important to look after them. This involves carefully ensuring that they are well tuned and perfectly lubricated. Due to the potential plastic internals, this is all-time done with Silicone Gun Grease.

Not all AEP gearboxes are plastic though, some college finish AEP gearboxes are completely metal. If you happen to be lucky enough to own 1 of these, the gears need to be lightly coated (after cleaning) in Gun Grease LT2.

Gears should be lubricated with Gun Grease LT2 if metal or Silicone Grease if plastic.

Piston slides should be lightly lubricated with Silicone Oil 35 or Silicone Grease to ensure they are move easily and freely during firing. However, if the piston is metal, united states Gun Grease LT2.

O-rings – There should only be three o-rings to think to lubricate in an AEP, the piston head o-rings, the cylinder head o-rings and the air nozzle o-rings. Ensure that these are all well lubricate to forestall inconsistent and poor fps.

Additionally, you may wish to put a very calorie-free amount of lubricant into the magazine well, to aid in the removal of magazines. Withal, only exercise this lightly, no-where near where BBs sit and only if necessary.

Electrical Shotguns

Electric shotguns, at the time of writing, are relatively rare. The only real offerings on the market are Tokyo Marui based systems, such as the AA12 and the SGR12. Nevertheless, no doubt these systems will go more and more popular.

The internal workings of the TM design is very like to an electric burglarize, the simply deviation is that the piston is fastened to 3 dissimilar piston heads, each in their own cylinder, with private air nozzles and cylinder heads.

The internal lubrication required is therefore very like to an AEG rifle outlined in a higher place.

Gears need to exist lubricated with Gun Grease LT2, with a light roofing on all metallic surfaces that come in contact to reduce friction.

Piston. The piston may be metallic or plastic in structure. If metallic, you lot should lubricate the slides where they slide against the gearbox housing with Gun Grease LT2 (Our specific metal grease). If the piston is plastic, y'all should use a silicone based lubricant, such as our Silicone Grease. It's sticky plenty to go along the piston lubricated, fifty-fifty with high a high rate of fire.

Piston Head, Cylinder head and Air Nozzle o-rings should exist lubricated with a silicone based lubricant to ensure that they provide a good seal. This can exist done with Silicone Oil 35, or Silicone Grease, depending on your preference. Note that in that location are multiple piston heads, cylinder heads and air-nozzles which will demand lubrication in a tri-shot gun.

Remember, these are new systems, upgrades and spare parts may not ways be bachelor (or inexpensive). And then have care.

Gas Airsoft Guns

Gas airsoft guns are designed to function very similarly (mechanically) to a existent firearm. With that in listen, the care and maintenance of genuine firearms carries over to replica fire arms. Nevertheless, within gas guns there are boosted extras that need to be taken care of such equally o-rings and seals.

GBBR (Gas Blow Back Burglarize)

Gas blow back rifles are filled with moving parts that actuate on the trigger pull to operate the weapon realistically like a firearm. Just similar a existent firearm, the internals need to be spotless and well lubricated for smooth operation.

Trigger Associates. The trigger assembly is full of sears and springs which should be individually lubricated with Gun Grease LT2. It should operate smoothly and freely without whatsoever grinding. It's always handy to take pictures (or video) of the disassembly process, to ensure that everything goes back together correctly.

Magazine O-rings. Gas magazines store gas to be shot by the rifle, as such they demand to be gas tight and the valves need to movement freely. Otherwise, they simply won't work. There is a fill valve on the bottom of the mag which contains o-rings. If these o-rings dry out (by leaving the mag empty of gas whilst in storage) they will no longer seal the gas inside. A drib or two of Silicone Oil 35 onto the valve should assistance keep it fresh.

At that place is also a large valve on the "rear" of the mag, this button valve is struck past the "hammer" within the gun. This releases gas and shoots the gun. Naturally, if this valve gets stuck, the gun won't fire. Additionally, if this valve doesn't seal properly, the gas will escape. Again, a drib or 2 of Silicone Oil 35 onto the push button face up as well as down the valve port (the small hole on the top of the magazine) will aid go along it fresh. Do non get this gap confused with where the BBs go. You don't want slippery balls.

Gas Routers. On the pinnacle of the magazine, you'll run across a rubbery surface with a hole in the eye. The pigsty in the heart is where the gas from the mag is routed into the gun (hence the proper noun – gas router). This gas router is rubber, because it seals against the within of the gun and losses the lease possible gas in the process. Since this is a sealing surface and one that gets used regularly, in crude weather condition, you want to lubricate this surface with Silicone Grease – the thicker consistency ways it won't be wiped off every bit easily when skirmishing.

Piston. There is indeed a piston and o-ring set-up inside most gas blow back rifles. Within the blowback housing and feed nozzle, you'll find a piston with an o-ring (or prophylactic face) on information technology. Ensure that this is lubricated with Silicone Oil 35 or Silicone Grease. Do not exist tempted to merely spray the oil through the gas port in the feed nozzle onto the piston head. This is besides much lubricant and will get onto the hop-upward rubber and ruin your accuracy. Take the time to disassemble the burglarize and lightly lubricate the piston head correctly.

Bolt. The bolt is a large weighty piece of metallic that travels dorsum and along within the gun. It's moved past the pressure of the gas and returned by a heavy duty jump. The less energy this takes, the less gas information technology takes to fire the weapon, the more efficient it is and the faster the charge per unit of fire/trigger response. A well cleaned and lubricated bolt is a footstep towards this.

The bolt should only contact the receiver in specific areas, so ensure that they are clean and lubricated properly with Gun Grease LT2. Y'all shouldn't need to cover the entire commodities in grease. It might seem that that would help the commodities travel, but you're only adding weight to the bolt and accumulating clay. Only put grease in areas of friction.

GBBP (Gas accident back pistol) / NBBP (Not-Blow Back Pistol)

Gas pistols are one of the most common gas weapons in airsoft. Electric versions are not the most reliable, and many players honey the realistic activeness and experience of a gas pistol. Then, how do you lubricate a gas pistol?

Gas pistols can vary in materials greatly, and then when it comes to lubrication, remember the gilt rules of: Plastic on Plastic contact or O-rings need Silicon Oil 35 or Silicone Grease. Plastic on Metal or Metal on Metallic needs Gun Grease LT2.

Slide – The pinnacle slide on gas pistols (providing it'southward blowback) are prone to getting muddy and dry out through skirmishing. Most pistols, even if plastic, will have metal slides for durability. Polish and lubricate the length of these slides with Gun Grease LT2. If withal, certain parts of plastic rub on plastic, use Silicone Gun Grease here.

If your pistol is NBB (non-blow back), in that location's no demand to lubricate the slide as it does not movement.

Mag – Similar all gas magazines, the valves need to be constantly lubricated with Silicone Oil 35 to ensure they stay gas tight. Turning the mag upside downward will reveal the fill valve (where you fill the mag with gas). A few drops of oil on this will go on the o-rings fresh.

The feed valve at the elevation rear of the magazine should be oiled similarly. The hammer inside the pistol strikes this valve (the button on the back of the magazine) and releases gas into the pistol. If this valve isn't lubricated, your pistol may struggle to bike properly. Put a drop or two onto this push button and a drop or two into the hole in the gas router (the rubbery square at the top). Activate the valve back and along a few times to work the lubricant in.

Gas Routers – The gas router, as mentioned above, is the rubbery function on acme of the magazine which routes gas from the valve into the pistol. It'south made from rubber-like material and then that it can create a tight seal with the loading nozzle. If this rubber gets dry, it won't make a good seal and it will let inconsistent amounts of gas into the weapon (this creates an uneven fps). We recommend that yous put silicone grease on the surface, so that information technology stays fresh for longer.

Outer Barrel – It may not seem it, just the outer butt (the imitation barrel that surrounds the inner barrel) moves inside the slide. Information technology shifts ever and so slightly to allow the slide to motion freely. Naturally if this isn't clean or lubricated properly, information technology tin can bind and cause the pistol to malfunction. It should be fairly clear on the outer barrel where it rubs against the slide, use this as a guide to lubricate. Use the materials guide higher up to work out which kind of lubricant you need to use.

Trigger Group – Whilst this is all "hidden" inside the pistol, information technology tin can get surprisingly grimy if left neglected. The entire trigger group is relatively easy to remove from all gas pistols. Providing y'all pay attending to the assembly order and positions (take photographs or video), it's perfectly safety to fully disassemble, make clean and lubricate. Since these parts are about always metallic, utilise Gun Grease LT2 here.

Piston – The piston is hidden within the feed nozzle, inside the slide. This requires silicone oil 35 or silicone grease. Do not spray into the air nozzle, as this will easily find its way onto the hop-up rubber and ruin your pistol's accurateness. Instead, completely disassemble the parts and put a light flick on the sealing parts. This should preclude information technology from contaminating the hop-upwards.

Feed Nozzle – The feed nozzle springs back and forth within the pistol slide and loads a BB from the magazine into the hop-up chamber. This is usually a plastic component, so use a silicone based lubricant sparingly on the outside surfaces that contact a plastic slide. If you happen to have a metal slide (and/or a metal loading nozzle) use Gun Grease LT2.

These parts can get dirty and gritty relatively quickly, so ensure that they are clean and lubricated regularly.

Gas Sniper Rifles

Gas Sniper Rifles, specially the bolt action kind, are finely tuned tools; quality, correct lubrication is essential to their continued accuracy and consistency. Without proper care, gas sniper rifles can go inaccurate through poor seals and difficult to operate.

Despite the deviation in looks, a gas sniper rifle works close to how a GBB rifle or GBB pistol works. The only difference is that there's no "accident-dorsum" part, which makes them substantially simpler, resulting in college accuracy.

Here's where you need to pay attention to when lubricating:

Trigger Unit – The trigger unit is a small tolerance series of bars, sears and levers which actuate the sprung hammer on the pull of the trigger. The entirety of this section volition be fabricated of metallic. It's important to ensure that this whole unit is kept clean from dust and dirt as otherwise it will demark and you will struggle to pull the trigger when it matters.

This area requires a thin layer of Gun Grease LT2. A thin layer will keep it moving freely without attracting and belongings onto too much dirt.

Magazine valves – The gas magazine is similar to pistol and rifle gas magazines. It will have a make full valve on the bottom and a flow valve on the rear. These valves comprise seals which, if not properly lubricated, turn into leaks. A few drops of Silicone Oil 35 on the surface volition ensure that they remain sealed.

Gas Router – The gas router on the top of the magazine routes gas into the Gas Sniper Rifle'southward cylinder. If you let this to dry, yous won't get a consequent seal against the rifle's magazine and your accuracy will suffer over time. Ensure that this seal remains lubricated and in good status, with Silicone Grease. The grease has a thicker consistency which will last on the gas router for longer.

Cylinder – The cylinder has 2 important parts to consider when lubricating. The outer surface and the gas port seal / router. The outer surface of the cylinder ofttimes rubs against the interior of the receiver. If this isn't perfectly clean and lubricated, it tin scratch and grind and as you motility the commodities, making it much harder. These ii surfaces are usually metallic on metal contact, so we recommend Gun Grease LT2.

The gas port (on the bottom of the bolt) takes the gas from the magazine and puts it into the hop-up chamber to force the BB down the barrel. This surface rubs and seals against the magazine's gas router due to the moving of the commodities. To ensure that this rubbing doesn't ruin either seal, a thin coat of Silicone Gun Grease should be applied. The rubbing moving of the bolt means that Silicone Oil 35 may wearable out faster than grease, and then in this case, nosotros suggest Silicone Grease.

Cylinder Caput – The tip of the cylinder head / feed nozzle may have an o-ring on the end of information technology for a improve seal. With this o-ring, you must be very careful to not over-apply lubrication, since it straight interfaces with the hop-up and Bbs. A very tiny corporeality of Silicone Oil 35 is appropriate here. If over-practical, remove with our degreasing spray and get-go again.

Gas Shotguns

Gas shotguns, like electric ones, aren't too common on the airsoft field, merely systems such as the Tokyo Marui M870 are available. These systems are finding their way into the second hand market place and will definitely need some maintenance. Whilst inherently, each system is dissimilar, here'southward what you demand to look out for when cleaning, lubricating and maintaining your gas shotgun.

Stock – The stock seems like an odd place to start when talking about lubrication. Nonetheless, guns like the stock-still stock TM870 which happen to have a removable gas reservoir in the rear have a number of hidden o-rings. Every bit yous're aware, o-rings need to be maintained; otherwise your shot gun will leak everywhere.

When yous remove the stock, there may be an o-ring between the stock and the receiver (usually on the receiver side). This stops gas from leaking out from the joint between the 2, whilst ensuring the gun tin can still come apart. This o-band requires a driblet or two of Silicone Oil 35 to keep it fresh.

Inside the stock will also be a valve to take the gas from the gas reservoir (which is often removable) into the weapon. This may need to be removed and the o-rings lubricated with Silicone Oil 35.

Gas Reservoir – The Gas Reservoir (if your shotgun has one) tin can exist treated like a gas mag on any other gas weapon. The only difference here is that there are no Bbs to worry about. The reservoir will take a make full valve. Just similar any gas magazine, you'll need to requite this a drop or ii of Silicone Oil 35 to keep information technology in acme condition. These reservoirs will also have a solid push valve to release the gas into the gun. This valve will need similar lubrication to forestall leaks.

Trigger Grouping – The trigger grouping is a solid metallic arrangement of sears and leavers and it's probable to become total of gunk and grunge after a few game days. Brand sure that you occasionally remove it, clean out all the grit and clay and re-lubricate it with Gun Grease LT2.

Receiver Mechanism – Within the receiver are a number of small moving parts and movements. We're not going to go through each of the individual little parts and tell you lot how to lubricate them. Even so, if you follow the dominion of thumb of: metallic on metal contact needs Gun Grease LT2 and any contact that has plastic or o-ring contact needs a silicone based lubricant, you will be fine.

Pump Action – The pump action mechanism, despite the handle being plastic usually, is a metal on metal slider, which requires Gun Grease LT2 for a smooth slide. Effort not to become any on the outer grip, as you'll struggle to operate the action.

Spring Airsoft Guns

Bound guns vary profoundly in airsoft. You tin have the lowest end of the spectrum with a cheap bound pistol used as a last resort or you have 1 of the virtually expensive spring sniper rifles ever to grace this planet.

Spring Sniper Rifles

A spring sniper burglarize is and so accurate because of its repeatability and consistent gas commitment between shots. Even so, if your burglarize falls into disrepair, it will begin to suffer in accuracy. Hither'due south how to ensure that it stays accurate and easy to operate.

Cylinder – Due to how spring guns work, this can exist tricky to get right. When the bolt is pulled dorsum, it's against spring tension and when pushing the bolt forward, the piston inside can cause it to bind and push confronting the receiver. A thin layer of Gun Grease LT2 should assist to free upwards the motility and go far easier to reload.

Cylinder caput – The cylinder head screws into the cylinder and at the base of the threads is an o-ring. If yous notice that you are having problem with gas efficiency, remove the cylinder caput and add a dab or two of Silicone Gun grease.

Why Silicone Gun grease? When it comes to sniper rifles, consistency is primal. Silicone Oil 35 has a thin consistency which is nifty for near applications. Nonetheless, in that location's potential that it gets picked upwards by gas flow when shooting and find its fashion into the barrel or onto the hop-up rubber. The thicker consistency grease won't let that happen.

The cylinder caput may also have an o-ring on the feed nozzle. Be very careful when lubricating this o-band every bit it comes in contact with Bulletin board system and the hop-upward, use the accented minimum lubrication possible.

Piston Head – The piston inside the cylinder is what fires forrard on the trigger pull, compresses air and shoots the BB through the Barrel. The cylinder head is jumpsuit (unremarkably) with the piston. On the head of this piston are o-rings to give a good seal against the cylinder wall and compress the exact same corporeality of gas each time the trigger is pulled. Lubricate this o-ring with Silicone Gun Grease to go along it sealing well.

Trigger Group – The trigger group locks the piston in place when re-loading and transfers the trigger pull into releasing the piston. If this isn't a shine operation, information technology can be hard to permit off accurate and precise shots. Thoroughly clean and degrease the trigger group and re-lube with Gun Grease LT2.

Spring Pistols

Spring pistols are not often on the "loftier end" of the airsoft market place. Regardless, if yous're reading this, information technology means something to you and yous want to go along it going for equally long as possible.

The majority of spring pistols are made from plastic, as such, there'south simply a demand for Silicone Oil 35 or Silicone Grease. A careful take down of the pistol should illuminate the areas that need to be lubricated, only pay careful attention to:

Slide – The slide that you lot pull back in order to "prime" the gun for firing. This should accept a small amount of lubricant on the slide track.

Piston – The internal piston needs to slide freely and the piston caput's o-band should be fresh and lubricated for a good seal.

Trigger Machinery – The trigger mechanism is likely made of lightweight plastic which may break if used in anger. Keep this lubricated with silicone gun grease.

Overall, you want to ensure that these parts of clean and lubricated sparingly to ensure their long life.

Jump Shotguns

Spring shotguns are quite mutual on the airsoft field. They're relatively inexpensive RIFs to buy, just offer good effectiveness confronting close range targets. It's a brave soul that decides to have ane of these apart, but here'southward what y'all demand to know near lubricating one.

Pistons – The shotgun volition accept three dissimilar cylinders and 3 different pistons for the three barrels. Each one will have private o-rings within that need lubricating with Silicone Oil 35 or Silicone Gun Grease.

Slide – About of the slide assembly is a mixture of plastic on plastic-or-metallic-on-plastic connections. Here, employ Silicone Grease to ensure smooth operation. Nevertheless, for metal-on-metal connections use Gun Grease LT2.

Trigger – The trigger mechanism will near probable also be plastic-on-plastic contact, which will require Silicone Gun Grease.

The key to the longevity of these weapons is careful cleaning and lubrication. When you're maintaining these weapons, go on an center open for areas of wearable and tear, particularly plastic parts. This is where yous can program to replace parts before they fail and investigate why they may be failing in the starting time place.

Our lubricants are sold across the world for airsoft, firearm and air rifle applications.

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How Much Lube Around Cylinder Head Airsoft

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